Do Switch Controllers Charge In Sleep Mode?

by Danny Oster
Do Switch Controllers Charge in Sleep Mode

Do you ever wonder if your Nintendo Switch controllers are charging in sleep mode? Of course, they are! You’ll probably be very surprised to know that the Nintendo Switch controllers cannot charge in sleep mode. However, there is an alternative way to keep the controllers charged without switching them off every time you put them down for a break. This article will help you understand if your Nintendo Switch controllers charge in sleep mode and what can be done about it. Read on to find out more.

Do Switch Controllers Charge in Sleep Mode?

Yes, some controllers do charge in Sleep Mode. This is because the controllers have a built-in battery. A controller will always be fully charged when it is turned off and in Sleep Mode, even when the device is on standby. However, the controller will lose its charge after a certain period of time.

Why Don’t Switch Controllers Charge In Sleep Mode?

  1. Switch controllers do not charge in sleep mode because the battery is not “turned on”. When the system is asleep, it draws very little power from the battery – probably less than 1/10 of a watt.
  2. The system will only draw enough power to keep the display lit and keep things running while it’s asleep. The controllers are only powered up when you press them and that happens every time you boot up your console or turn on your TV.
  3. The system needs a small amount of current to run its fans and keep things warm while it’s sleeping, but the controllers aren’t turned on all the time so they don’t need to be charged all the time either. They just need to be charged occasionally when they get low on power (or if they manage to run out of batteries entirely).
  4. The controller batteries have a relatively high internal resistance, so when they are charged to full capacity they can only supply a small amount of power. This means that a controller will not charge fully when it is in sleep mode, even if you leave it plugged in.
  5. The controllers are connected to the system via the dock connector, but they don’t need to be powered all the time because they’re “docked”. The system just needs enough current to keep them charged and running, and that only happens while you’re using them.
  6. The controllers also have a secondary power source – the USB cable that connects them to your computer or game console (you plug it into your computer or into your game console). This secondary power source has its own internal battery which will keep things going until you unplug the controller from your device (or unplug the device from its power source).
  7. The controllers use rechargeable batteries which are designed with low internal resistance so they can be charged quickly. The system doesn’t need to wake them up very often, so they can just stay asleep in sleep mode.
  8. When you unplug the controller from your game console or computer, it will stop drawing power and stop charging its battery. The battery will not drain completely until it is disconnected from its source of charge, and then it will continue to discharge at a slow rate even when it is not connected.
  9. Even if you leave the controllers plugged in, they won’t charge unless they are actively being used by the system (or by other systems that are plugged into the same power source). So even if you leave them plugged in all night long, they won’t be fully charged until you unplug them from their charge source (probably sometime during the morning).
  10. If you plug a controller into your computer or game console directly – without using a dock – then it will draw power as soon as it is turned on. The internal battery will start discharging and the controller will not be able to draw power from the charge source until it is unplugged.

How To Fix The Nintendo Switch Controller Not Charging Issue?

  • If you’re using a USB hub, try plugging your device directly into your computer. Make sure your cable hasn’t expired, and try a different cable if possible. If you’re connecting over Wi-Fi, try another network. If you’re still having trouble, the problem might be with your device rather than your computer. Try a different device to troubleshoot the issue.
  • Try a different USB cable. If you’re using a USB 3.0, try a USB 2.0 cable instead of a USB 3.0 one. If you’re using a micro-USB cable, try a mini-USB one instead.
  • Try charging your device in another way, such as with an adapter or other charger (if it’s the charging port that is the problem).
  • Make sure the battery is charged enough for your device to function normally and that it is not extremely low on charge and cannot be recharged by itself (for example, if you are using an external battery). Check out our article on how to charge your Nintendo Switch battery here
  • Try turning off any wireless power features in your device settings (such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth). Press the power button to turn it off, then turn it back on again when done troubleshooting the issue with your Nintendo Switch charging.
  • Try charging the device in a different way, such as with a wall charger or an adapter.
  • If you have your device plugged into a power strip or surge protector, make sure the outlet to which your device is connected is turned on, and that the power strip has enough outlets for your device to charge. Make sure that the other devices plugged into the same outlet are not charging your Nintendo Switch at the same time (for example, plugging more than one Nintendo Switch into one outlet). If you’re using an extension cord, try unplugging any other devices from their extension cords to see if that resolves the problem. If you can’t resolve this problem by unplugging other devices and leaving only one connected to its extension cord, then you might need to replace your extension cord with a different brand or type of extension cord (it may be too long for many outlets). If this doesn’t help, consider replacing your outlet with a new one.
  • Check the battery charging indicator on your Nintendo Switch for any indication that the device is charging (such as a red light), and make sure it is charging normally. If you’re not sure if your device is charging, try removing the Nintendo Switch from its dock and unplugging it from its power source to see if that resolves the issue.
  • Try using another USB cable, such as one with a different connector type, to charge your Nintendo Switch (for example, use a micro-USB cable instead of a USB Type-C cable).
  • Try using a different USB port on your computer or laptop to connect over USB instead of using a USB hub or an external port on your computer or laptop (if you’re able to plug directly into the wall outlet). If you’re using an adapter, try plugging it in directly into the wall outlet instead of through an adapter. Note: You may need to go into your device settings (such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth) to ensure that your device is connected to the same network as you are.


The controllers don’t charge in sleep mode because the console itself is not in use. This means that the only way to keep your controllers charged while in docked mode is to manually turn on the console with the power button. If you are using a brand-new Nintendo Switch controller, try using a different USB cable to connect it to the console. You can also try using a different wall outlet. If you are using an older controller, try cleaning the connectors. You can also try using a different USB cable. If nothing works, you may have to replace the controller. Also, make sure that you are using the correct USB port. If nothing works, you may have to replace the console.

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