How To Unlock The Facebook Profile Of Others?

by David Valdez
How To Unlock The Facebook Profiles Of Others

In this digital age, people are more connected than ever before. With social media, you can keep up with friends you haven’t seen in a while and even find new ones if you want. That being said, it’s important that you don’t give too much personal information away because there are ways to hack someone’s profile that don’t involve them directly giving it to you. Whether they blocked you or have just changed their privacy settings so that strangers can’t see them, unlocking another person’s Facebook profile is something every user needs at some point or another. As such, we have compiled a list of 10 different methods for unblocking someone on Facebook when they have locked you out of their profile.

How To Unlock The Facebook Profile Of Others?

Change Your Audience

It may not sound like it, but the first thing you should do is change your audience. Yes, changing your audience might sound a little strange, but this will alter what information you can see on the person’s profile. For example, if you are friends with them and you want to see what’s on their timeline, you can see a lot more than if you were just a “friend of a friend”. If you had chosen to “follow” them instead, you can only see the standard posts you get no matter the relationship. This is because Facebook’s “audience” settings allow you to control who is able to see the content you post and how your posts are shown to others. For example, you can make all of your posts visible to everyone or just a select few. Making your posts “public” is handy if you want everyone to see what you’re up to, but you’re most likely going to want to choose a more selective setting for posts that are a friend- or follower-locked.

Facebook Events

If you are a “friend of a friend”, you can view a person’s event. This is usually a public event, but if it’s not, you’ll see a message at the top of the screen saying that you are not allowed to see the event. The person who hosts the event has the ability to control who can see it. If you click on the event link, you will be able to see the host’s name and their profile picture, but you won’t be able to see their name or who else is going. You may even be able to click “attending” as if you were on their guest list. This is a convenient way to get a sneak peek at what is going on in your friend’s life without being invited to the party. You can also see what is happening in your town if you search for “events near me”.

Try a Different Browser

If the person you are trying to view the profile of has set their account to be visible only to friends, you can try viewing their profile in a different browser. This might sound strange, but different browsers use different cookies. So, it’s possible that their browser might have a different “remember me” option than the browser you’re currently using. If you are on a desktop computer, try logging out of your current browser and logging back in to see if that makes a difference. Alternatively, if you are on a mobile device, you can try using a different app such as Safari or Chrome. If you are on a computer, you can also clear your cookies and see if that makes a difference.

Check Their Profile Visibility Settings

On the person’s profile, click the “Friends” tab and then click “Edit Privacy”. In the “Who can see my future posts?” section, click the drop-down box and choose “Friends”. This will change the visibility setting of their posts so that now only their friends can see their content. If you are not a friend, you can still see their profile but their posts will be set to “Only Me”. This will not affect you if you are friends with the person.

Try a Different Facebook Browser

This one is similar to the above tip. If you use a different browser, you might be able to log into their account using your credentials. If you have access to the person’s computer, try logging into their Facebook account using your account. If you have access to the person’s phone, you can log into their Facebook account using your account as well. If it works (and the person hasn’t changed their password), you will be able to see the person’s private messages, posts, and notifications.

Change Your Own Audience

If you want to view a person’s private posts but they’ve changed their audience settings, you can follow the same steps mentioned above. Click on the “Friends” tab and then choose “Edit Privacy”. Click on the “Who can see my future posts?” section and then choose “Friends”. This will change your privacy settings so that now only your friends can see your posts. This does not affect the person you are viewing.

Find Out Who Blocked You and Why

If the person you are viewing has blocked you, you can try using an app such as View As. With this app, you have the ability to temporarily log into their account and view everything as if you were them. This will not allow you to see their private posts, but it will give you the opportunity to see what they see when they are logged into their account. You should be wary when using this app and make sure that you have deleted your history before logging out to make sure that they do not see that you were viewing their profile as if you were them. This app is also helpful if you think you might have a stalker and want to find out who it is. If you are worried that someone is stalking you, you can use this app to see if they are viewing your posts.

Ask to be Friends Again With a Hidden Purpose

If the person who has blocked you is a friend (or a friend of a friend), you can send them a friend request again with a hidden purpose. When they accept your friend request, send them a message asking if they would be willing to unblock you. Be careful though as you don’t want them to know that you sent the request with a hidden purpose.

Still Can’t? Try This Last Trick

If the person who has blocked you is a friend, you can try sending them a friend request again with a hidden purpose. After they accept your friend request, send them a message asking if they would be willing to unblock you. Be careful though as you don’t want them to know that you sent the request with a hidden purpose. If they do not respond, you can try sending them a friend request again but this time with a different name. This will make it look like a new person sent the request and, if they have blocked you, they will see that you have a different name so they will not accept the request.


Social media has become such an important part of modern culture, and it will only continue to grow. With it, you can connect with people from all over the world and even keep up with friends you haven’t seen in a while. It’s important to not give too much personal information away, though, because there are ways to hack someone’s profile that don’t involve them directly giving it to you. Whether they blocked you or have changed their privacy settings so that strangers can’t see them, unlocking another person’s Facebook profile is something every user needs at some point or another. With these tips and tricks, you should be able to unlock any profile, no matter how hard they may have tried to block you.


Q. Why does it say I am blocked when I send a friend request?

A. This is because the person who has blocked you has hidden your profile from their friends.

Q. How do I unblock someone who has blocked me?

A.  You can’t unblock someone else’s profile, but you can contact Facebook to get them unblocked by Facebook themselves.

Q. How do I edit my privacy settings so that only friends can see my profile?

A. Under the section titled “Who can see my stuff on Facebook,” click on the box next to “Only Me,” and then click on “Save Changes.”

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